Since 1890, we have been caring for Seafarers coming to Bunbury, Western Australia.

Mission to Seafarers Bunbury


Bunbury Seafarers Centre

The Seafarers Centre is located right in the CBD of the City of Bunbury located at 17 Victoria Street, Bunbury.

During normal operations we are open:

Monday to Friday 1pm - 9pm

Saturday 5pm-9pm

However due to COVID-19 our centre is closed.

Crew Welfare

Over 90% of world trade is carried by sea, providing work to 1.5 million seafarers, and over 95% of Australian goods arrive by sea. Shipping is a truly international industry, however, it is also one of the world’s most dangerous occupations, with piracy, shipwreck and abandonment just some of the threats seafarers face.

Mental health issues affect many seafarers, but our volunteers and chaplains are there to provide emotional and spiritual support, whether that’s on board or at our Seafarers Centres. Day and night, the Mission is on call for seafarers. who often have no one else to turn to.

Ship Chaplaincy

The Bunbury Mission to Seafarers ship visiting team go on board to offer a warm welcome and whatever help is needed. This can range from enabling a telephone call or email home, having a chat, to offering comfort and assisting in cases of injustice and distress.

Christian Worship Services can be conducted onboard upon request.

Volunteers and our Mission to Seafarers Chaplains carry out these visits. You can volunteer to become a Ship’s Visitor by contacting us.

pool table

Free Wifi

The Mission provides you with everything you need to communicate with home, including free WiFi.

Reach out via email, Facebook and Skype using our computer terminals to see and hear your family and friends. Internet access provides you with movie access, YouTube and sports channels.

Phone cards and local sim cards are available for purchase in local and foreign currency.

Centre shop and bar

We provide foreign exchange services as well as a souviner shop at vastly discounted rates. We also sell special Seafarer Phone SIM cards and Recharge vouchers.

Free Bus from Port to CBD

Getting around from ship to our shore can be a little foreign to many short-term visitors working the cargo and docks, so The Mission has a bus service to help with the logistics.

We pickup up at 1pm and drop off at 5pm, then pickup again at 6pm and drop off at 9pm.

Miss Eliza Cons. Her good deeds follow her.

Miss Eliza Cons. Her good deeds follow her.